I am an unashamed fanboy and this is my blog. If I think its cool, it goes in the blog. I hope to reach a few similarly mutated individuals.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Space Pants
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Swedish Lake Monster Caught On Film?
It was reported on Cryptomundo that a lake monster is Sweden may have been caught on film. I hope they release pictures soon.
Phil Jackson: Who is the Best Athlete?

Preacher Killed on HBO

Gotcha with that headline, right? Well, I am referring to the HBO adaptation of the popular and very controversial comic book Preacher. Geeks of Doom reported that the series was axed by new management. I am bummed that I'll never get to see Garth Ennis' nitro-fueled fantasy come to life on the little screen.
Pimp My Corpse
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Fortune Cookie?
It is amazing how we innovate everything here in America...even if we don't give ourselves credit.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Africa: A Continent in Crisis
I recently watched the video below about Africa's current problems and it's possible future. In my opinion George Ayittey is amazing. He offers solutions to Africa's problems because he is willing to unflinchingly acknowledge what they are. I am very interested in learning more about his organization; the Free Africa Foundation.
A Far Side Moment of Zen
Consider this a nostalgic hello to an old friend I haven't seen in a while. Why did Gary Larson ever retire?
Uber Cat
Nick Fury vs. Star Wars
Monday, August 25, 2008
Air Guitar Championship
Oh, wonderful. An American has won the world air guitar championship. Great, now we can claim to be the best at another totally useless activity. I am so proud.
Extreme Sports Taken To A Whole New Level

A whole new level of stupidity. I guess you had better have your tongue planted firmly in your cheek to enjoy this sport. They claim that it is serious, but I can't see how. I'll just have to report them to the Ministry of Laundry Abuse.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wireless Power is Coming
Intel cuts electric cords with wireless power system: Intel demonstrated a wireless power system by lighting a lamp without a power cord using magnetic fields. Pretty soon we will not need batteries in our portable appliances.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
15 Places All Children Should See

This slide show is great. It suggests 15 places that every child should see. I have seen 10 of the 15, so I guess I barely pass with a 66%.
Unfortunate Acronym
Georgia Bigfoot a Hoax

As expected, the Georgia Bigfoot was a hoax. It turned out to be a prank gone out of hand. Apparently it was a costume stuffed with roadkill and butcher scraps.
Guitar Idiot

Parents Let Kid Drop Out of High School to Focus on Guitar Hero
These must be the worst parents EVER!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Rebirthday To Me

Exactly one year ago I went into the hospital for surgery to fix an aortic aneurysm and another congenital defect. What was expected to be a quick surgery and recovery of only 2 weeks turned into 3 weeks of unconsciousness, 2 months in the hospital and another month spent recovering. Looking back on the past year, I must say that I am lucky and blessed. I feel like every day I live now I am stealing from the devil. I am happy to be alive and kicking, basically fully recovered.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
McMain Staffer Disses Dungeons and Dragons Players
Michael Goldfarb blogged on the official McCain website and dissed all D&D players as pro-Obama. Think he needs to rethink this. I believe that he would be shocked at the percentage of D&D players who are or have been in the military. The specific quote is as follows:
I guess that Mr. Goldfarb failed his saving throw against stupidity.
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.
I guess that Mr. Goldfarb failed his saving throw against stupidity.
Watchmen Movie in Jeopardy

The Watchmen movie is is jeopardy due to a lawsuit filed by Fox against Warner Brothers. Fox claims exclusive rights to develop a project based on the graphic novel. Details can be found here. If this gets derailed I am gonna be ticked off.
Instructables: Make Your Own Stuff
The Instructables website is a great source for eclectic DIY projects. It shows you how to make some really cool stuff.
Book of the Future

Check out this book about the future that was published in 1979. They got some things right. I love the illustrations. Why don't they do stuff like this anymore?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Warp Drive
Two professors at Baylor have (seemingly) figured out the physics of the warp drive. While they work on how to power the thing I am going to start packing.

Friday, August 15, 2008
Now THAT Is Funny
I was listening to a local sports talk show this morning on the way to work and nearly drove off the road. The cause of this excess of mirth was a caller who referred to Vince Young as Radio, in reference to the Cuba Gooding character from the movie of the same name. It is my understanding that they had similar scores on the Wonderlic test as well. It came as no surprise that the caller was a Aggie. Don't be a hater. I still wish the Texans had drafted him.

Underworld Prequel
$1000 Useless iPhone App Removed

There was an iPhone application that did nothing, but cost $1000 available on the Apple application store. Okay, the app did not do nothing. It displayed a glowing red ruby on the screen...and that was it. Basically it turned an iPhone into an "I am a rich tool" identification badge. Well, after lots of blog-based derision, Apple has removed the application from its store, but not before the developer sold 8 copies.
NBC Web Series - Gemini Division
NBC will be premiering a new web-only series on August 18th called Gemini Division. Based on the preview I am interested...and it has nothing to do with the series star Rosario Dawson.
Tahiland Wins Gold In Woman's Weight Lifting
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